Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Conference presentations

Another conference, my third this fall. First MLA, Minnesota Library Association. Then MEMO, Minnesota Educational Media Organization. And today, I returned from CODI, Customers of Dynix. In all 3 cases, I was fortunate to find something very inspiring - and that's good.

Conferences are for a wide slice of an interest population. Those who attend are a wide spectrum and everything in between: much experience vs little; geek vs non-geek; management vs rank-and-file; even the willing vs the unwilling. Good conference planning offers up a broad buffet of choices to provide something for everyone.

Help us out conference presenters. In your presentation, here's what I'd like to see in the conference program:
Title -- not something cutesey, but informative
Presenters -- name and accurate description/credentials

Then, when I attend a presentation, here's what I hope for from the presenter:
  • A well-prepared presentation
  • Visuals -- yes, I like PowerPoint. I have a wandering mind, it keeps me (and you) on target. But don't read your PowerPoint. (else just tell me you're reading your PP and you can just E-mail it to me, and I can go to something else).
  • Don't insult me with a lot of trivial ice-breaking jokes. Do tell me a little bit about where you're coming from.
  • Keep control of your environment. Don't let someone drag you astray. Most times, I appreciate presenters who ask to have questions held until the end.
  • Go back to Speech 101 -- (1) tell 'em what you're gonna tell 'em (2) tell 'em (3)tell 'em what you told 'em


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